The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Installation view, Mendes Wood DM São Paulo
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Oct 03 - Nov 07, 2015
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Michael Dean
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Installation view, Mendes Wood DM São Paulo
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Oct 03 - Nov 07, 2015
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Michael Dean
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Installation view, Mendes Wood DM São Paulo
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Oct 03 - Nov 07, 2015
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Michael Dean
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Installation view, Mendes Wood DM São Paulo
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Oct 03 - Nov 07, 2015
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Michael Dean
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Installation view, Mendes Wood DM São Paulo
The Stamp of Anything or That part which never bears leaves or reproductive organs, ordinarily underneath and descending, and serving to absorb, but often upon, often from other parts, often serving other functions, though morphologically comparable
Oct 03 - Nov 07, 2015