Many torments, many dreams, many hallucinations, many fantasies before we fall asleep: meta and universe, deformed and assembled dancing bodies of Ana Pi and Calixto Neto, meta and universe, representation of a cocaine molecule, meta and universe..., 2022
Metal, plastic, fabric, ropes
25 x 36 x 19 inches (63.5 x 91.4 x 48.3 cm)
In the deep water of dreams, light blue and yellow flash. Arrow. Dense strength of the drill. Forest. Arrow. Flowing force of the river. Forgetfulness, buried, in our fleeting memories. Arrow. We were dancing., 2022
Metal, plastic, fabric
111 x 88 x 44 inches (281.9 x 223.5 x 111.8 cm)
One against the other, our damaged skins, our elongated bodies. Many torments, many dreams, many hallucinations, many fantasies before we fall asleep: meta and universe, ibis’ wing from the coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago, meta and universe..., 2022
Metal, plastic, fabric, ropes, mirror parts
81 x 65 x 2 1/4 inches (205.7 x 165.1 x 5.7 cm)
Our secrets back to back, our secrets in our romances. Many torments, many dreams, many hallucinations, many fantasies before we fall asleep: meta and universe, tail of the dolphinfish (Coryphaena or Mahi-Mahi) drawn in the coat of arms..., 2022
Metal, plastic, fabric
105 x 48 x 1 inches (266.7 x 121.9 x 2.5 cm)