Jared Madere

Jared Madere group shows (3)


artworks by Jared Madere (25)

Jared Madere & Ben Schumacher, Untitled, 2014, Bortolami Gallery

Jared Madere & Ben Schumacher

Untitled, 2014

Rock salt, funerary floral arrangements, peppermint oil, angel oil, Fabuloso, ink, Variac transformer, aircraft cable, nichrome wire, Pyrex dish, electric burner with pot, potbelly stove, SLA print, extension cords, vapor barrier, cardboard, gloves
Dimensions variable

Bortolami Gallery
Bloomington: Mall of America, North Side Food Court, Across From Burger King & The Bank of Payphones That Don't Take Incoming Calls
May 02 - Jun 07, 2014

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Jared Madere & Ben Schumacher


, 2014
Jared Madere, Untitled, 2014, Bortolami Gallery

Jared Madere

Untitled, 2014

Parka, chair, frozen raspberries, motor grease
Dimensions variable

Bortolami Gallery
Bloomington: Mall of America, North Side Food Court, Across From Burger King & The Bank of Payphones That Don't Take Incoming Calls
May 02 - Jun 07, 2014

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Jared Madere


, 2014