Gene Pearson

Gene Pearson group shows (2)


artworks by Gene Pearson (2)

Gene Pearson , PERSEUS, 2002 , Pan American Art Projects

Gene Pearson


Ceramic Sculpture
24 x 9 x 7 in
Price range: $0 - 5 000

Pan American Art Projects
A Collection of Jamaican Art: by Robert Borlenghi
Charity Auction to benefit The American Friends of Jamaica
May 31 - Jun 14, 2020

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Gene Pearson


, 2002
Gene Pearson , RAMSES, 1980 , Pan American Art Projects

Gene Pearson

RAMSES, 1980

Bronze Sculpture
15.5 x 14 x 11 in
Price range: $5 000 - 10 000

Pan American Art Projects
A Collection of Jamaican Art: by Robert Borlenghi
Charity Auction to benefit The American Friends of Jamaica
May 31 - Jun 14, 2020

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Gene Pearson


, 1980