Side Lanes

Chen Xiaoyun, Geng Jianyi, Han Feng, Hu Jieming, Hu Liu, Huang Kui, Ji Wenyu, Li Ran, Li Shan, Liang Yue, Liu Weijian, Liu Yi, Liu Yue, Lu Lei, Pu Jie, Shen Fan, Shi Yong, Shi Qing, Sun Xun, Tang Maohong, Wang Youshen, Wei Guangqing, Xue Song, Yang Zhenzhong, Yu Youhan, Zhang Ding, Zhang Qing, Zhou Tiehai, Zhou Zixi, Zhu Jia

Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019
press release

group show

installation views
artworks in the show
Ji Wenyu, A Profile of A Standard Handsome Man, 2017 , ShanghART

Ji Wenyu

A Profile of A Standard Handsome Man, 2017

Acrylic on canvas
98 x 138cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Ji Wenyu

A Profile of A Standard Handsome Man

, 2017
Chen Xiaoyun, Hatred of Failure, 2018 , ShanghART

Chen Xiaoyun

Hatred of Failure, 2018

Acrylic on canvas
180 x 105cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Chen Xiaoyun

Hatred of Failure

, 2018
Geng Jianyi, Landscapes 8 , 2015 , ShanghART

Geng Jianyi

Landscapes 8 , 2015

Mixed media, photograph, painting, Lightbox
27.5 x 40.5cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Geng Jianyi

Landscapes 8

, 2015
Han Feng, Somewhere 14 , 2018 , ShanghART

Han Feng

Somewhere 14 , 2018

Acrylic on canvas
Diameter 140 cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Han Feng

Somewhere 14

, 2018
Hu Jieming, Sleepwalk in 100 Years 2018-1 , 2018 , ShanghART

Hu Jieming

Sleepwalk in 100 Years 2018-1 , 2018

Oil on canvas
50 x 60cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Hu Jieming

Sleepwalk in 100 Years 2018-1

, 2018
Hu Liu, Alocasia Macrorrhiza , 2007 , ShanghART

Hu Liu

Alocasia Macrorrhiza , 2007

Pencil on paper
160 x 260 x 2.5cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Hu Liu

Alocasia Macrorrhiza

, 2007
Huang Kui, Assumption - The Ruins Have Compromised to the Liberals, 2017 , ShanghART

Huang Kui

Assumption - The Ruins Have Compromised to the Liberals, 2017

Mark Pen and Acrylic on Canvas
120 x 160cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Huang Kui

Assumption - The Ruins Have Compromised to the Liberals

, 2017
Li Ran, Pentecostal Movement NO.2, 2017 , ShanghART

Li Ran

Pentecostal Movement NO.2, 2017

Oil on canvas
120 x 90cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Li Ran

Pentecostal Movement NO.2

, 2017
Li Shan, Untitled (Sketch of PSA exhibition), 2017 , ShanghART

Li Shan

Untitled (Sketch of PSA exhibition), 2017

Acrylic on canvas
50 x 71.5cm | with frame 70 x 80 x 5cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Li Shan

Untitled (Sketch of PSA exhibition)

, 2017
Liang Yue, Everything Is Gone Evaporating 3, 2015 , ShanghART

Liang Yue

Everything Is Gone Evaporating 3, 2015

Printing and drawing on aluminum board
59.4 x 84.1 x 5cm (x 3 pieces)

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Liang Yue

Everything Is Gone Evaporating 3

, 2015
Liu Weijian, Summer Rhapsody 4 , 2014 , ShanghART

Liu Weijian

Summer Rhapsody 4 , 2014

Watercolour on paper
76 x 57cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Liu Weijian

Summer Rhapsody 4

, 2014
Liu Yi, A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day 1529, 2016, ShanghART

Liu Yi

A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day 1529, 2016

Chinese Paint on Hand-made Rice paper
Original painting from animation film
23 x 42cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Liu Yi

A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day 1529

, 2016
Liu Yue, Rainbow , 2007-2019 , ShanghART

Liu Yue

Rainbow , 2007-2019

Special Mica Acrylic on Canvas
120 x 80cm (x 2 pieces)

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Liu Yue


, 2007-2019
Lu Lei, The Square , 2005 , ShanghART

Lu Lei

The Square , 2005

Watercolour on paper
27.3 x 45cm | with frame 41 x 59 x 4cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Lu Lei

The Square

, 2005
Pu Jie, The Dragon is here , 1989 , ShanghART

Pu Jie

The Dragon is here , 1989

Oil on canvas
130 x 115cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Pu Jie

The Dragon is here

, 1989
Shen Fan, Stamp , 2014 , ShanghART

Shen Fan

Stamp , 2014

Oil on canvas
Silver acrylic stamps
118 x 138cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Shen Fan


, 2014
Shi Qing, Meaning Fault , 2011 , ShanghART

Shi Qing

Meaning Fault , 2011

Polyurethane foam, Plaster, Colorant, Wood
45 x 220 x 120cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Shi Qing

Meaning Fault

, 2011
Shi Qing, Untitled , 2015 , ShanghART

Shi Qing

Untitled , 2015

Oil on canvas
80 x 100cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Shi Qing


, 2015
Sun Xun, The Coming Prophecy, 2017 , ShanghART

Sun Xun

The Coming Prophecy, 2017

Ink and Colour on paper luminous paper
220 x 1000cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Sun Xun

The Coming Prophecy

, 2017
Shi Yong, Under the Rule-Nr.A-13-18, 2017 , ShanghART

Shi Yong

Under the Rule-Nr.A-13-18, 2017

Sketch|Paper; Masking Tape; Colored Pencils;Gouache
129.4 x 148.8 x 5cm (in 6 pieces) |each 64.7 x 49.6 x 5cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Shi Yong

Under the Rule-Nr.A-13-18

, 2017
Tang Maohong, Perturbed , 2018 , ShanghART

Tang Maohong

Perturbed , 2018

Acrylic on canvas
136 x 102cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Tang Maohong


, 2018
Wei Guangqing, Hundreds of Surnames, 2007 , ShanghART

Wei Guangqing

Hundreds of Surnames, 2007

300 x 720cm (in 12 pieces) | each 150 x 120cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Wei Guangqing

Hundreds of Surnames

, 2007
Xue Song, Landscape Cola, 2015 , ShanghART

Xue Song

Landscape Cola, 2015

Mixed Media on canvas, ash, acrylic, collage
100 x 80cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Xue Song

Landscape Cola

, 2015
Yang Zhenzhong, Passage No.16 , 2015 , ShanghART

Yang Zhenzhong

Passage No.16 , 2015

Oil painting on wood panel
217 x 155 x 155cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Yang Zhenzhong

Passage No.16

, 2015
Zhang Ding, The Kind of Need - Exoticism - 2, 2017 , ShanghART

Zhang Ding

The Kind of Need - Exoticism - 2, 2017

Stainless steel, UV printing, mirror stainless steel
200 x 280 x 5.5cm 2 pieces

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Zhang Ding

The Kind of Need - Exoticism - 2

, 2017
Zhu Jia, The Smoking Man, 2012 , ShanghART

Zhu Jia

The Smoking Man, 2012

Oil pastels on kraft paper sack
96 x 58cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Zhu Jia

The Smoking Man

, 2012
Zhang Qing, 50 States and 1 Municipality City, 2016 , ShanghART

Zhang Qing

50 States and 1 Municipality City, 2016

Oil on canvas
145 x 276cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Zhang Qing

50 States and 1 Municipality City

, 2016
Zhou Tiehai, Figure(green), 2001, ShanghART

Zhou Tiehai

Figure(green), 2001

Oil on canvas
acrylic (airbursh) on synthetic canvas
116 x 88cm | Size with Frame 132.5 x 105 x 5cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Zhou Tiehai


, 2001
Zhou Zixi, The East Flowing at the Foot of Xiaogang Mountain , 2014 , ShanghART

Zhou Zixi

The East Flowing at the Foot of Xiaogang Mountain , 2014

Oil on canvas
300 x 600cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Zhou Zixi

The East Flowing at the Foot of Xiaogang Mountain

, 2014
Wang Youshen,  Variation 2, 1987 , ShanghART

Wang Youshen

Variation 2, 1987

Mixed Media on wood
Photos, Wood
62 x 49cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Wang Youshen

Variation 2

, 1987
Yu Youhan, 2018.5-9 , 2018 , ShanghART

Yu Youhan

2018.5-9 , 2018

Acrylic on canvas
50 x 50cm

Side Lanes
Jan 18 - Feb 24, 2019

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Yu Youhan


, 2018
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