Kim Hiorthøy

Take It From the Field

Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016
press release

solo show

artworks in the show
Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, , , STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

'Take It From the Field'
Installation veiw, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo
12 February - 12 March 2016

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy, Sol Lewitt Sleeping, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Sol Lewitt Sleeping, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Sol Lewitt Sleeping

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Taking Time, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Taking Time, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
22.5 x 30 x 0.1 cm / 26 x 34 x 3 cm (framed) (8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in / 10 1/4 x 13 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Taking Time

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Hands, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Hands, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Supporters, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Supporters, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
30.5 x 40 x 0.1 cm / 34.5 x 44 x 3 cm (framed) (12 x 15 3/4 in / 13 2/3 x 17 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Attraction, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Attraction, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Hands, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Hands, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Late Party, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Late Party, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
30.5 x 40 x 0.1 cm / 34.5 x 44 x 3 cm (framed) (12 x 15 3/4 in / 13 2/3 x 17 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Late Party

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Audience Emancipation, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Audience Emancipation, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Audience Emancipation

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Slow Morning, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Slow Morning, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Slow Morning

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, New Work, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

New Work, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
30.5 x 40 x 0.1 cm / 34.5 x 44 x 3 cm (framed) (12 x 15 3/4 in / 13 2/3 x 17 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

New Work

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, New Hours at The Weapons Factory, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

New Hours at The Weapons Factory, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
18 x 25.5 x 0.1 cm / 21 x 29 x 3 cm (framed) (7 x 10 in / 8 1/4 x 11 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

New Hours at The Weapons Factory

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Just Then, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Just Then, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Just Then

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Battlefield, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Battlefield, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
22.5 x 30 x 0.1 cm / 26 x 34 x 3 cm (framed) (8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in / 10 1/4 x 13 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Still There is Doubt, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Still There is Doubt, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Still There is Doubt

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Lesson, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Lesson, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
30.5 x 40 x 0.1 cm / 34.5 x 44 x 3 cm (framed) (12 x 15 3/4 in / 13 2/3 x 17 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Beating The Clock, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Beating The Clock, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Beating The Clock

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Participants, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Participants, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
25.5 x 35.5 x 0.1 cm / 29.5 x 39 x 3 cm (framed) (10 x 14 in / 11 2/3 x 15 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Research, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Research, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
22.5 x 30 x 0.1 cm / 25 x 34 x 3 cm (framed) (8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in / 9 3/4 x 13 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Perfecting The Technique, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Perfecting The Technique, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
18 x 25.5 x 0.1 cm / 21 x 29 x 3 cm (framed) (7 x 10 in / 8 1/4 x 11 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Perfecting The Technique

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Nation, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Nation, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
22.5 x 30 x 0.1 cm / 26 x 34 x 3 cm (framed) (8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in / 10 1/4 x 13 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Tender Night, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Tender Night, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
30.5 x 40 x 0.1 cm / 34.5 x 44 x 3 cm (framed) (12 x 15 3/4 in / 13 2/3 x 17 1/3 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy

Tender Night

, 2016
Kim Hiorthøy, Trust, 2016, STANDARD (OSLO)

Kim Hiorthøy

Trust, 2016

Watercolour on paper / Wooden frame
22.5 x 30 x 0.1 cm / 26 x 34 x 3 cm (framed) (8 3/4 x 11 3/4 in / 10 1/4 x 13 1/2 x 1 1/4 in (framed))

Take It From the Field
Feb 12 - Mar 12, 2016

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Kim Hiorthøy


, 2016
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