Oliver Laric

La semejanza por contacto

Sep 10 - Oct 31, 2024
press release

solo show

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artworks in the show
Oliver Laric, Scales of Anthropomorphism (Praying Mantis) / Escalas de Antropomorfismo (Mantis Religiosa), 2024 , Pedro Cera

Oliver Laric

Scales of Anthropomorphism (Praying Mantis) / Escalas de Antropomorfismo (Mantis Religiosa), 2024

stainless steel, aluminium
117 × 144 × 44 cm

Pedro Cera
La semejanza por contacto
Sep 10 - Oct 31, 2024

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Oliver Laric

Scales of Anthropomorphism (Praying Mantis) / Escalas de...

, 2024
Oliver Laric, Leaf Insect - A4 / Insecto hoja - A4, 2024 , Pedro Cera

Oliver Laric

Leaf Insect - A4 / Insecto hoja - A4, 2024

stainless steel
29,7 × 170 cm

Pedro Cera
La semejanza por contacto
Sep 10 - Oct 31, 2024

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Oliver Laric

Leaf Insect - A4 / Insecto hoja - A4

, 2024
Oliver Laric, 787 Cliparts, 2006-2024, Pedro Cera

Oliver Laric

787 Cliparts, 2006-2024

dual-channel video 4k
1:05 min

Pedro Cera
La semejanza por contacto
Sep 10 - Oct 31, 2024

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Oliver Laric

787 Cliparts

, 2006-2024
Oliver Laric, Cherry Plum / Ciruelo rojo (40°26’08.0”N 3°43’37.3”W), 2024 , Pedro Cera

Oliver Laric

Cherry Plum / Ciruelo rojo (40°26’08.0”N 3°43’37.3”W), 2024

CNC milled aluminum
145 × 100 cm

Pedro Cera
La semejanza por contacto
Sep 10 - Oct 31, 2024

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Oliver Laric

Cherry Plum / Ciruelo rojo (40°26’08.0”N...

, 2024
Oliver Laric, Cherry Plum / Ciruelo rojo (40°26’01.1”N 3°43’28.6”W), 2024 , Pedro Cera

Oliver Laric

Cherry Plum / Ciruelo rojo (40°26’01.1”N 3°43’28.6”W), 2024

CNC milled aluminum
145 × 100 cm

Pedro Cera
La semejanza por contacto
Sep 10 - Oct 31, 2024

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Oliver Laric

Cherry Plum / Ciruelo rojo (40°26’01.1”N...

, 2024
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more Oliver Laric group shows (15)   

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