Untitled (“... In all the dwellings, on the earthen floors, on mats, on bunks, lay silent, inert people. Their faces were bathed in sweat. The village was like a submarine at the bottom of the ocean: it was there, but it emitted no signals, soundless, 2018
Solid cast glass with as-cast surfaces with oculus
27.9 x 121.9 cm (11 x 48 in)
Untitled (“... In all the dwellings, on the earthen floors, on mats, on bunks, lay silent, inert people. Their faces were bathed in sweat. The village was like a submarine at the bottom of the ocean: it was there, but it emitted no signals, soundless, 2018
Solid cast glass with as-cast surfaces with oculus
27.9 x 121.9 cm (11 x 48 in)