Jan Pleitner

temperatures of time

Apr 02 - May 07, 2022
press release

solo show

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artworks in the show
Jan Pleitner, Hitchhike the speed of light, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Hitchhike the speed of light, 2022

oil on canvas
60 x 230 cm / 163.5 x 233.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Hitchhike the speed of light

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Time breath, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Time breath, 2022

oil on canvas
230 x 140 cm / 233.5 x 143.5 x 5.5 cm / 91.9 x 56.5 x 2.2 in framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
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contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Time breath

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Verified intuition, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Verified intuition, 2022

oil on canvas
250 x 170 cm / 253.5 x 173 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Verified intuition

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Gamma coherence, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Gamma coherence, 2022

oil on canvas
170 x 250 cm / 173 x 253.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Gamma coherence

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Vortex 1, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Vortex 1, 2022

oil on canvas
230 x 160 cm / 233.5 x 163.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Vortex 1

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Celestial mechanics, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Celestial mechanics, 2022

oil on canvas
230 x 160 cm / 233.5 x 163.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Celestial mechanics

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Io, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Io, 2022

oil on canvas
140 x 100 cm / 143.5 x 103.5 x 5.5. cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner


, 2022
Jan Pleitner, The sun saw heaven again, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

The sun saw heaven again, 2022

oil on canvas
190 x 140 cm / 193.5 x 143.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

The sun saw heaven again

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Harmonic motion I, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Harmonic motion I, 2022

oil on canvas
120 x 80 cm / 123.5 x 83.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner

Harmonic motion I

, 2022
Jan Pleitner, Arka, 2022, Kerlin Gallery

Jan Pleitner

Arka, 2022

oil on canvas
120 x 80 cm / 123.5 x 83.5 x 5.5 cm framed

Kerlin Gallery
temperatures of time
Apr 02 - May 07, 2022

for more information about this artwork
contact gallery
contact DailyArtFair

Jan Pleitner


, 2022
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