Set of 6 prints, 2017 (detail)
Serigraph 20 x 27.5 in (50 x 70 cm) The serigraphs in this box are original and were signed and numbered by their authors, at AMIA, between October and December 2017. This is a single set of 98 pieces, numbered from 1/98 through 98/98, and the
following artists' proofs: Liliana Porter (12), Guillermo Kuitca (10), Nicola Costantino (14), Jorge Macchi (17), Eduardo Stupía (10), and Pablo Siquier (7)
© Nicola Constantino
Courtesy Pan American Art Projects, Miami
for more information about this artwork
Nicola Constantino
Set of 6 prints
, 2017 Pan American Art Projects