Ascan Pinckernelle

Ascan Pinckernelle solo shows (1)


Ascan Pinckernelle group shows (1)


artworks by Ascan Pinckernelle (15)

Kernel, Raw Rate (New Silk Road), 2014, Christine Koenig Galerie


Raw Rate (New Silk Road), 2014

HD video with sound
11:22 min
Ed. 1 + 1 a.p.

Christine Koenig Galerie
PAYER GABRIEL + N 48° 11’ 47.038" O 16° 21’ 59.259"
May 06 - Jun 17, 2017

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Raw Rate (New Silk Road)

, 2014
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 30.4 x 21.8 cm
(藍瑛 Lan Ying 1585 - ca.1664 Landscape after 李唐 Lǐ Táng dated 1633)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 47.7 x 25.5 cm
(Anonymous early Ming painter emulating 范寬 Fàn Kuān act. ca. 1023-1031
雪山蕭寺圖 Xueshan xiāosi tu Snowy Mountain, Lonely Temple)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 37.5 x 22.9 cm
(黃公望 Attr. Huáng Gōngwàng 1269-1354 / Maybe first half of the 17th c.
谿亭山色 Xītíng shanse Mountain Colors of a Streamside Kiosk)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 40 x 26.9 cm
(黃公望 Huáng Gōngwàng 1269-1354
剡溪訪戴圖 Shànxī fǎngdài tu Calling on Dai at Shan Stream dated 1349)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 50.8 x 22.8 cm
(吳鎮 Wú Zhèn 1280-1354
溪山高隱圖 Xīshan Gaoyin tu Lofty Reclusion within Mountain and Stream)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2014, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2014

Ink on paper - 49 x 18.2 cm
(知白 Cao Zhibo 1272-1355
疏松幽岫 Shusong yōuxiù Sparse Pines and Secluded Mountains dated 1351)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2014
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 49.9 x 20.9 cm
(陳汝言 Chen Ruyan ca. 1331-1371
白丈泉 Baizhang quan Baichang Waterfall dated 1360)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 39.9 x 26.8 cm
(倪瓚 Ní Zàn 1306-1374
Two cottages at the Foot of a Mountain dated 1352)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2012, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2012

Ink on paper - 32.5 x 12.5 cm
(劉玨 Liu Jue 1410-1472 清白軒圖 Qingbai xuan tu The Qingbai Pavilion dated 1458)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2012
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2012, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2012

Ink on paper - 21.7 x 10.5 cm
(劉玨 Liu Jue 1410-1472
仿倪瓚山水圖 Fang Ni Zan shanhsui tu Landscape in the manner of 倪瓚 Ní Zàn)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2012
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 47.3 x 26.6 cm
(沈周 Shěn Zhōu 1427-1509
乾坤雪意 Qiankun xueyi Heaven and Earth, Thoughts in Snow dated 1478)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 29.7 x 15.4 cm
(沈周 Shěn Zhōu 1427-1509
夜雨泊舟圖 Yeyu bozhou tu Anchorage on a Rainy Night dated 1477)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 30.4 x 21.8 cm
(藍瑛 Lan Ying 1585 - ca.1664 Landscape after 李唐 Lǐ Táng dated 1633)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013
Ascan Pinckernelle, Untitled, 2013, Galerie Gisela Capitain

Ascan Pinckernelle

Untitled, 2013

Ink on paper - 26 x 16.7 cm
(黃鼎 Huang Ding 1650-1731 Autumn Mountains after Wang Meng dated 1697)

Galerie Gisela Capitain

Jan 11 - Feb 15, 2014

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Ascan Pinckernelle


, 2013