Susan Cianciolo

RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store

Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017
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Susan Cianciolo, Kids Outfit Kit, 2015, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Kids Outfit Kit, 2015

cotton, thread, paint, pants, top, cardigan, popsicle sticks, book, games, colored paper and bracelet
46.3 x 127 x 80 cm (18 1/4 x 50 x 31 1/2 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Kids Outfit Kit

, 2015
Susan Cianciolo, Notebooks Kit, 2016, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Notebooks Kit, 2016

cotton tapestry, cardboard box, photograph, paper, notebooks, ink, paint
8.3 x 42 x 42 cm (3 1/4 x 16 1/2 x 16 1/2 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Notebooks Kit

, 2016
Susan Cianciolo, The Cooking Kit, 2016, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

The Cooking Kit, 2016

cardboard box, plastic bag, notebook, organic egg recipe, paint
10.6 x 36.3 x 26.5 cm (4 1/8 x 14 1/4 x 10 3/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

The Cooking Kit

, 2016
Susan Cianciolo, Being a Nurse Kit, 2015, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Being a Nurse Kit, 2015

cardboard boxes with wood blocks, popsicle sticks, drawings, photographs, fabricated insect wings, nurse costume
35.5 x 93.5 x 54.5 cm (14 x 36 3/4 x 21 1/2 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Being a Nurse Kit

, 2015
Susan Cianciolo, The Kit of Glitter and Love, 2016, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

The Kit of Glitter and Love, 2016

cardboard box, glitter, plastic bag, drawing, Yale Union poster, masking tape, cloth tapestry
47 x 94.5 x 45.2 cm (18 1/2 x 37 1/4 x 17 3/4 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

The Kit of Glitter and Love

, 2016
Susan Cianciolo, The Drawing Kit, 1990-2016, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

The Drawing Kit, 1990-2016

Run 9 tapestry collage, cardboard box, tape, ballpoint pen, paint, drawings from 1990-2016
8.7 x 112.2 x 92.4 cm (3 3/8 x 44 1/8 x 36 3/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

The Drawing Kit

, 1990-2016
Susan Cianciolo, Shoe, Bag, Glove Kit and Fedex Mobile Kit, 1997-2017, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Shoe, Bag, Glove Kit and Fedex Mobile Kit, 1997-2017

collage from Angels Do Exist, Run 5 rubber and leather shoes, Run 8 sleeve, sandals from Wisdom of Flowers, sneakers from Underneath the Sea and Next to the Mountains, sandals with heels from When Buildings Meet the Sky, drawing from Magic Star tour
with Mark Borthwick, Run 11 drawing, cardboard, tape, safety pins, paper tags, digital prints, wool glove, ink on paper on textile from Atrium exhibition, handpainted cardboard box, tapestry, mixed media mobile from Run Restaurant
24.7 x 292.8 x 140 cm (9 3/4 x 115 1/4 x 55 1/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Shoe, Bag, Glove Kit and Fedex Mobile Kit

, 1997-2017
Susan Cianciolo, Let's Try to Get Along Kit, 2015, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Let's Try to Get Along Kit, 2015

vents, clear tape, drawer parts, cardboard box, clay pieces, marker, balloons, wooden block, plastic toys, photographs, popsicle sticks, original 356 Mission Road poster
22 x 79.4 x 49 cm (8 5/8 x 31 1/4 x 19 1/4 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Let's Try to Get Along Kit

, 2015
Susan Cianciolo, Prayer Box and Documentary of Conversations Box, 2013-2016, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Prayer Box and Documentary of Conversations Box, 2013-2016

cardboard box, papers, ink, tape, photographs, slides, paint, plastic box, cardboard box with laptop, digital video (edition of 5), Run Restaurant tapestry with quilted patchwork
19.05 x 265 x 230 cm (7 1/2 x 104 3/8 x 90 1/2 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Prayer Box and Documentary of Conversations Box

, 2013-2016
Susan Cianciolo, Botanical Drawing, 2015, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Botanical Drawing, 2015

watercolor, tape and wildflower on paper
23.7 x 16.2 cm (9 3/8 x 6 3/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Botanical Drawing

, 2015
Susan Cianciolo, Botanical Drawing, 2015, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Botanical Drawing, 2015

wildflower and glue on paper
23.7 x 16.2 cm (9 3/8 x 6 3/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Botanical Drawing

, 2015
Susan Cianciolo, Tapestry 1, 2000-2017, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Tapestry 1, 2000-2017

paper, book, suede, hand silkscreen cotton, embroidered cotton, feather beadwork, quilted antique Japanese silk and cotton
574.1 x 221 cm (226 1/8 x 87 1/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Tapestry 1

, 2000-2017
Susan Cianciolo, Tapestry 2, 2010-2017, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Tapestry 2, 2010-2017

burlap, quilt by Jessica Ogden, antique cotton fabric with screen printed and hand stencilled elements, painting and drawing on paper by Lilac Cianciolo
233 x 248 cm (91 3/4 x 97 5/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Tapestry 2

, 2010-2017
Susan Cianciolo, Circle of Chairs, 2016-17, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Circle of Chairs, 2016-17

13 chairs, 2 lifesize dolls dressed in cotton fabric with elements of handpainting, tapestry and quilting, mixed media mobiles, sleeping bag with felt and beading, found timber, notebooks, drawings, printed pages
449 cm, 176 3/4 ins

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Circle of Chairs

, 2016-17
Susan Cianciolo, Run Church (Lifesize Kit), 2015-2017, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Run Church (Lifesize Kit), 2015-2017

metal and timber structure, tapestry, found timber platform, plants, found rocks, sand, green box with items made by Lilac Cianciolo, miscellaneous archival items
246.5 x 291.5 x 244 cm (97 1/8 x 114 3/4 x 96 1/8 ins)
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Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Run Church (Lifesize Kit)

, 2015-2017
Susan Cianciolo, Run Store (Lifesize Kit), 1997-2017, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Run Store (Lifesize Kit), 1997-2017

timber structure, found timber platform, tapestry, plants, reconstructed dress, sculpture with mixed found and made objects, archival items from Run Home collection restaged in 'Run Restaurant Untitled' at 2017 Whitney Biennial
221 x 308 cm (87 1/8 x 121 1/4 ins)
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Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Run Store (Lifesize Kit)

, 1997-2017
Susan Cianciolo, Run Restaurant (Lifesize Kit), 1995-2017, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Run Restaurant (Lifesize Kit), 1995-2017

timber structure, painted card platform, plants, tapestry, cushions, paper cups, ceramic bowls, items from 'Run Restaurant Untitled' restaged at 2017 Whitney Biennial, lab coat with archival items, objects made by Lilac Cianciolo
236.8 x 310 cm (93 1/4 x 122 1/8 ins)
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Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Run Restaurant (Lifesize Kit)

, 1995-2017
Susan Cianciolo, Botanical Drawing, 2015, Modern Art

Susan Cianciolo

Botanical Drawing, 2015

ink, watercolor, leaf and sticker on paper
23.7 x 16.2 cm (9 3/8 x 6 3/8 ins)

Modern Art
RUN church, RUN Restaurant, Run Store
Sep 01 - Sep 30, 2017

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Susan Cianciolo

Botanical Drawing

, 2015
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