Acrylic and oil on canvas, painted by Stuart Hughes
2 printed beanbags - 95 x 170 cm x 3 cm - Beanbag dimensions variable
Installation view, The Modern Institute, Glasgow, 2014
HD Video projection on Dalbeattie granite, 2 printed fabric beanbags 3:24 minutes
Beanbag dimensions variable
Installation view, The Modern Institute, Glasgow, 2014
Acrylic and oil on canvas, painted by Stuart Hughes
2 printed beanbags - 95 x 170 cm x 3 cm - Beanbag dimensions variable
Installation view, The Modern Institute, Glasgow, 2014
HD Video projection on Dalbeattie granite, 2 printed fabric beanbags 3:24 minutes
Beanbag dimensions variable
Installation view, The Modern Institute, Glasgow, 2014